Veterinary Consulting International

18301 W Colfax Ave, Bldg R-101
Golden, CO 80401


Building the Successful Veterinary Practice

Thomas E. Catanzaro, DVM, MHA, FACHE

This trilogy presents and applies leadership skills for you to use in becoming more progressive and prosperous. These three books supply not only the concepts, but guidance on everything from forms to a chart of accounts, measuring productivity and charting growth, promotional aids, hiring strategies, sharing leadership, succession planning, and techniques to promote employee morale and satisfaction.

Volume 1: Leadership Tools.

In this text you will discover the concepts and tools that will help you become the veterinary leaders of tomorrow. Mar. 1997, 180 pp., ISBN 0-8138-2819-8, $24.95*

*Volumes 1,2,&3 are available through the publisher, Blackwell Publishing Professional 1-800-862-6657 or